
Sunday, December 8, 2019

Fire And Flavor Hero Grill Kickoff Tryazon Party

 The Hero Grill is like a dream come true.  You get the benefits of grilled foods, as well as its use of environmentally safe charcoal pods.  We love to grill up burgers, hot dogs, and vegetables.  We like to hike and camp with friends, so this grill is perfect for us.  It is also great for families that like to grill, but want to be more environmentally conscious.  The grill is portablem], cooks evenly, and an even be cleaned in the dishwasher.  The bamboo spatula and cutting board are durable items that are very convenient to have in the case.  The thermometer is easy to use and makes for perfect grilling.  I can see this as a perfect gift item for the outdoor family member or friend.   I think that the waterproof case itself makes for a flashy gift because it is so nice.  
Our guests had never heard of the brand and were floored at the capabilities of this little grill and its special pods.  Everyone  was having a burger and the choice meat for the party was venison that was brought home this season thanks to my redneck husband.  We all try to be environmentally conscious and responsible and while respecting mother nature, we also do our part by helping to control the deer population and supply our friends and family with some great recipes.  This grill just made things even better because we took it with us a few times and the party was the first of the uses.  The guests commented on how well the meat tasted and how evenly the grill cooked.  They also agreed the cutting board, spatula, thermometer, and case encompassed all of the necessary traveling elements.  They all intend on getting a grill of their own.  That is really great because it helps with burning greener.  I love it!  Than you Hero and Tryazon for a great grilling party experience.  

Friday, November 22, 2019

Cozy with Cocoa Kids Party


I am a huge fan of warm and fuzzy things and these items have become staples in not only our home, but is the homes of friends and family.  Warm and cozy slippers, laying under a plush throw, sipping a warm drink, and snuggling up with a favorite stuffed animal is enough to feel warm and cozy just by the description.
  Meribel and Jamco teamed up with Tryazon and gave us the opportunity to try out some great items.  We got to wear fuzzy sloth and unicorn slippers, drink tea from an adorable mug, and play with toys that repeat what we say and sing and flap their ears.  This was a great opportunity to select some great items to give away as gifts this holiday season, after testing them lout first hand.

We have this cute song stuck in our heads with images of flapping ears that stand up high and hang down low.  We also heard our words repeated by a cute elephant that used a silly voice.
Our feet were wrapped up in some fuzzy cuteness that followed us around the house with each step.  I really think that these items would make wonderful gifts for children and adults.  
You have to check out their websites for more information and products! (Blackey and Browney are so cute!)

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Match-O-Rama Game Night Party

  I have been a huge game fan and have come to love the brand USAopoly because theie games are different and so much fun!  Match-O-Rama is their latest edition to our game lineup and I had the opportunity to host a Tryazon Match-O-Rama Game Night Party. 

We invited game fanatics to our party where we learned more about the brand and its other offerings to let the guests have an idea of what the brand is all about.  The game is for 4-8 players, ages 8+.  The idea of the game is that you are trying to guess what the other players are going to write on their card as an answer to the question being read allowed.  It turned into a very humorous and strategic game.


 We started at a slower pace to get the hang of what the game play entailed, then it was a steady course to the finish line.  I must admit that I was not the winner, but I had so much fun playing the game.  This game should be a staple for a home that has game nights often or who have guests over that would love some competition.
 Here is a link to the game...

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Sambucol® Back-to-School & Healthy Party

Sambucol Black Elderberry Gummies 60ctSambucol Original Black Elderberry Syrup  4ozSambucol Homeopathic Cold & Flu Relief Remedy 
 Sambucol Black Elderberry Pastille Throat Lozenge
 Are you looking for something that will boost your family's immune system, taste great, and is more effective than many other products?  Look no further because Sambucol's lineup has something for everyone.  The offerings which we sampled included Black Elderberry Gummies, Quick dissolve tablets, syrup for adults, and syrup for children.  The favorite was the gummy because it actually tasted like a reward. 
  I hosted a Sambucol Tryazon party to introduce the brand and its products to the guests.  They wanted to know what made Sambucol different than other options.  The answer is simple... Black Elderberries have twice the antioxidant support and capacity versus blueberries and cranberries and can actually be taken every day to keep helping aid in your immune system's capabalities.  Even better is the taste.  They are amazing in the gummy form.  These items will now be staples in our homes because they strong, taste great, and are offered in many different forms.  It's nice to have found something that kids actually look forward to taking and don't view it as medicine that is icky.  Need more information?  Check out their website...


Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Merkury Innovations Smart Home Tryabox


   We were having an issue with our puppy bothering our older dog while we were away because there was evidence that his tail was being chewed on.  We also had issues with various items getting chewed up.  The smart wi-fi camera truly was a game changer.  We can access the camera while we are away and if there are issues, then we can actually speak through the camera to get the puppy to stop what he is doing.  It definitely works!  You can hear what is going on, pan from side to side, and even record videos!
  The next product is the smart light that you can turn on remotely while you are away.  It not only helps to keep the house lit while we are out late when it is dark and the dogs could use some light, but it more importantly gives reassurance that your house is "occupied" to deter thieves.  ou can dim it remotely, as well.  
Third is the smart plug which we hooked up the Roomba to.  Since our Golden Retrievers shed all over, we try to vacuum often.  The trouble is actual doing it.  This hookup allows us to start up the Roomba while we are out and give the carpet a cleaning which only has to be emptied when we return.  It may not get a full cleaning, but being able to do this often is reaaly helpful.
  All of these products have made our lives that much easier and we are now able to do more even when we are away.  I would recommend all three of these items to anyone who lives an active lifestyle and needs some help from technology here and there.
There are many other items from Merkury Innovations, which you can learn more about at this link...

I was able to sample these items thanks to Tryazon and Merkury Innovations.

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Tuesday, February 19, 2019

I Love Chocolat Frey Party

 Do you have a major sweet tooth or do you just feel like you deserve a me moment with a delicious reward?  Frey has you covered.
  We just learned of this delicious brand of chocolates at our Tryazon party where we got a chance to sample some of the delicious offerings.  They offer so many different varieties.  We sampled two kinds of dark chocolates, two milk chocolates, and a delicious blonde chocolate.  The chocolate is rich, smooth, and indulgent and does not taste like a traditional run of the mill chocolate bar from the checkout.  These chocolates are premium and stand apart.
Blond Crunchy Nut Bar (3oz)We each had a favorite variety, but the bottom line was that the chocolate clearly had a taste that could not be compared to any other brand.  If you are looking for a chocolate candy that the Easter bunny would love to deliver, a candy as a reward, or a candy that would make a great gift, then you have to check out Frey.  Here is a link to their website for more information...