I am a huge fan of Spin Master games and always look forward to the latest offerings. The brand keeps us thinking and gets our creative juices flowing in our answers.
This time we played Hedbanz, The Sock Game, and a spin on the classic in Reverse Charades.
The Sock Game seemed to be the winner because it was a race that everyone could catch on to really quickly. The game involves placing the same items into two socks, then racing to find the respective item that the board game's dial lands on. Even better was that as the game got more intense, we started adding various small household items that we had a pair of to make it even more challenging. The kids and adults raced each other and it really brought out some laughs.
Hedbanz is challenging, but really made us laugh even harder because it was hysterical listening to the answers that the person gave in response to what the thought was on their headband card. It took a lot of thought and a lot of incorrect answers to finally decide who the winner was.
Reverse Charades puts the burden on the team members to act out the word and then passes the burden to the one person who has to guess the answer. This game is crazy. It basically made us look like a bunch of monkees acting out in a zoo.
I would encourage you to check out these games because they are great for all ages and bring on the laughs for a great time!

I know you have more questions about the games, so check out these links...
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