On April 15, 2016, I hosted a Tryazon Just Jan's Jamboree party where eight guests had the opportunity to try Just Jan's Meyer Lemon Curd and Fig Spread. Most of the guests currently used a spread on a regular basis on toast, crackers, or fruit but Just Jan's brand was brand new to them until this party.
We decided to spread both varieties on rice cracker flats, saltines, and buttery round crackers. We served tea, iced tea, coffee, and water, as well. The general opinion was that the lemon curd tasted exactly like the filling in a lemon meringue pie and that the fig spread was a juicier version of fig cookies.
We had trivia at the party where the guests got to answer questions about fruits for small prizes like packets of crackers, K-cups, tea bags, and water bottles. This was a great way for everyone to learn about the offerings that Just Jan's has and the fruits that we all love so much.
I spoke of Just Jan's with nutritional information so that everyone would understand that Just Jan's products are all-natural, preservative-free, and lower in sugar than many other brands we had been using. This information was a true eye opener for the guests and great because we have had so many conversations together over jams and spreads and now that we have found a brand that tastes divine and is health-wise better for us, we are truly thankful.
Thank you so much to Just Jan's and Tryazon for this party opportunity!
Need more information on Just Jan's... check out this link... http://www.justjans.com/
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