Having your period can be a major drag, but it doesn't have to be. There are so many items offered these days to make your period that much easier to deal with. I remember the cardboard tampons that were huge and uncomfortable, as well as the pads that were like huge pillows that fell apart. The good news is that U by Kotex has developed products that set themselves apart from the rest in sleek designs, flashy colors, and a perfect fit. Who could have thought that your period could actually be a little fun?!

The old tampons were all white, but U by Kotex has blue, purple, pink, and even lime colored tampons! How cool is that!
Are you not really sure which product is right for you? No problem, check out this link...
U by Kotex even as products that have a capture core. That's right, it channels the flow for no more oops moments that can ruin your undies.

Now that you have seen some of the goods and have the link to learn more, why not jump on the bandwagon to help SAVE THE UNDIES campaign!
I received a sample pack thanks to Crowdtap and am thankful because U by Kotex is a step ahead of the competition!
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