Exploding Kittens Holiday Game Night Party
We are huge game night buffs and look forward to trying new games often. We were lucky enough to get the opportunity to host a Tryazon holiday game night party featuring I'm a Little Crabby and Throw Throw Avocado. These two games are so much fun and created lots of fun and memorable moments.
I'm a Little Crabby is a game where you and your teammate use secret hand signals to gain sets of cards. You have to look at what the competitors are doing to see if you can catch ont what their secret signals are, as well. Deciphering what is just someone scratching their back versus scratching their head could change the game!
Throw Throw Avocado is a card game where you are trying to collect three of a kind. You duel with others in a standoff by throwing the soft avocado slices between your legs. It is definitely unique.
Our guests had fun participating in both games, but the winner this round was I'm a Little Crabby. For some reason analyzing other's quirks and gestures was funnand funny in itself.
#Imalittlecrabby #Explodingkittens