Tide Purclean is the first bio-based laundry detergent from tide that is made with 100% Wind powered electricity... how cool is that?! I am a huge fan of helping the environment and doing my part whenever possible, by using products like this, helping save the bees to save the crops, recycling, and we even got solar panels on our roof. I am so excited that tie took a huge step to better the ecosystem with a product like Purclean. I was able to sample and share samples of this Tide thanks to Crowdtap and Tide. The cleaning power is optimal and the environmental impact is positive.
Need more information? Check out this link... http://tide.com/en-us/shop/type/liquid/tide-purclean?&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=tide%20purclean&utm_campaign=Tide_Search_Desktop_Brand+Awareness.EXM&utm_content=sPXWdZk4U|dc_92697980356_e_tide%20purclean&gclid=CjwKEAjwn7e8BRCUqZiP_vnrtBkSJAC_lp4HAsDH6GRaMIcqjz7_u8B7ggEnsIKyTUY-3-vD41L7sBoCmt3w_wcB
Check out some pictures of the product in action...