Do you remember Alpha-Bits when you were younger? I know that I do. I remember spelling out different words and actually spending more time at the breakfast table then I ever did before. I used to sit there and spell our different words, while enjoying just the right amount of sweetness in my cereal bowl. There are so many cereals nowadays, that it is often frustrating to get the family to agree on everything. We would buy multiple boxes, they would all get opened at once, and they would then all go bad at once because there was so much to choose from in the pantry. Luckily, when Apha-Bits was recently placed in the pantry, everyone tried a bowl and stuck with it until the box was empty. Now, we head to the store and go straight for the Alpha-Bits.
It is a cereal that allows your little ones to eat a good cereal because of its vitamins and nutrients and also learn how to spell different words. We have made a game out of it. For example, whoever can spell the longest real word gets an extra amount of time playing video games or whoever can spell out the word that I am describing can select what we have for dinner. It is a great cereal that you should place in your pantry. Just try it out and see what happens.
I had received a box via Bzz Agent and am really glad that I had!
<img src="
https://img.bzzagent.com/image/alphabits.jpg?Type=activity&Activity=0145316163&Campaign=8254326051&Uid=1211022&token=be9ca50ed822ba42aa939fe82dd8382b" alt=""/>